So what, exactly IS this self-care thing we are all talking about???
Often-ignored but totally necessary, self-care is any action or behavior which benefits us by improving our mental and physical health through better self-esteem, less stress, and overall wellbeing and that helps us avoid triggering health problems (like increasing our risk for heart problems due to excess stress, for example). These behaviors help provide balance in an increasingly over-stimulating world. Self-care makes up an essential part of a healthy lifestyle that keeps us healthy, happy, and more in-tune with our minds and bodies.
Often-ignored but totally necessary, self-care is any action or behavior which benefits us by improving our mental and physical health through better self-esteem, less stress, and overall wellbeing and that helps us avoid triggering health problems (like increasing our risk for heart problems due to excess stress, for example). These behaviors help provide balance in an increasingly over-stimulating world. Self-care makes up an essential part of a healthy lifestyle that keeps us healthy, happy, and more in-tune with our minds and bodies.
Great. So know we know what it is. So why aren't we doing enough of it?
Healthy self-care isn't always easy! It can be tough to make the healthy changes and manage stress in positive ways when we are bombarded with messages of easy fixes like alcohol. Self-care is also sometimes associated with selfishness and lazy, over-indulgent behavior. This mentality might make us feel guilty for thinking we need to take a break from our lives to do something that, simply put, makes us feel better. But ignoring our needs has some dangerous side effects: It makes us more likely to get sick and can make existing conditions worse; not to mention the emotional toll of never taking a break.
Making the time to check in with your mind and body isn't only not selfish, it is necessary! When we take good care of ourselves, we're likely to see an improvement in many aspects of our lives, including our physical health, relationships, and even our income. Plus, by making the choice to practice self-care, we have a tendency to care more for others; proving its importance for not just ourselves, but the world around us.
So what's a wellness wanting person to do??? How do we work self-care into our already very full lives?
Self-care is a very individual thing, so there's no set prescription for how or when to do it. Which can make it harder to figure out what is right for you. Luckily, exploring what works for us each is part of the process and is great for us in and of itself. Lost for ideas? No worries!!! While there is no one size fits all. The silver bullet is in the practice itself so anything you so will do the trick until you figure out your best recipes. Here are some great places to start to slash stress, boost happiness, and improve total health. Practice any of these self-care behaviors (or any others that occur to you!) daily, weekly, or even hourly; whatever feels best to you IS what is best for you.
1. Get outside
Ditching the comfort of your home is a great way to improve mental and physical health. Similar to meditation, spending time out of doors benefits the brain. Being outside in nature also makes us feel more alive. Even visiting in an area with more green space (i.e. parks and gardens) is associated with greater life satisfaction and less mental distress. Consider taking your sweat session into nature, too. Working out in the Great Outdoors boosts mental health, and may decrease tension, anger, and depression. It doesn't need to be much just walk fast enough to boost that heart-rate a bit and you will reap the rewards.
2. Pay it forward
By helping others, we actually help ourselves, too. Lending a hand not only boosts mental health, but may also lead to a longer life . Volunteering also positively affects self-confidence, self-esteem, and general wellbeing.
3. Breathe and breathe the right scents.
We know that breathing techniques can help us relax. But what we breathe might be just as important as how we breathe. While the benefits of aromatherapy are debated, research suggests that citrus scents, orange essential oil in particular, can help slash stress and anxiety, and getting a whiff of rosemary may boost memory .
4. Be happy (even if you have to fake it at first)
We all know that happiness feels good, but it’s also great for our health. Feeling happy may even prevent disease, including heart disease. But being happy is easier said than done, right? Turns out there’s actually a simple way to feel more upbeat: Just crack a smile! Tell yourself you feel happy and eventually yourself will start to believe you!
5. Meditate.
Meditation is proof that it doesn’t take a ton of time to do a mind and body good. Just a few minutes of quieting your mind can help relieve stress. Other benefits include a boost in compassion and emotional stability, meditating could even keep winter illness at bay . The best part? Its benefits continue even when we’re not meditating—consider it the gift (to yourself) that keeps on giving. Remember, its the trying it that is the key. Like flexing a muscle, the more you try the better it gets. Check out my favorite meditation technique for us newbies here.
6. Dance!!!
5. Meditate.
Meditation is proof that it doesn’t take a ton of time to do a mind and body good. Just a few minutes of quieting your mind can help relieve stress. Other benefits include a boost in compassion and emotional stability, meditating could even keep winter illness at bay . The best part? Its benefits continue even when we’re not meditating—consider it the gift (to yourself) that keeps on giving. Remember, its the trying it that is the key. Like flexing a muscle, the more you try the better it gets. Check out my favorite meditation technique for us newbies here.
6. Dance!!!
Shaking your booty doesn’t just make for a fit physique. It may also improve both mood and body image, lead to a better outlook, is associated with a lower risk for dementia, and even help you make friends. Consider this your cue for a silly impromptu dance party. Seriously. Right now!!!
7. Turn up the tunes
If you’ve ever noticed that certain songs bring a smile to your face, you’re not alone. As it turns out, science has taken note, too. Research shows that listening to music makes already positive emotions even more intense, and upbeat music in particular can do great things for your mood. Plus, jamming out can also improve heart health .
8. Eat more fruits and veggies
Adding more fruits and veggies to our plate is a great way to practice self-care all throughout the day. Eating berries boosts brain health while noshing on peppers prevents Parkinson’s. And in case we needed another reason to load up on nature’s goodness, filling up on seven portions of fruits and veggies per day might make us happier.
9. Swear it off.
If you've been in the room with me when I get activate about something, you know i practice this one often. True, a potty mouth isn’t appropriate in a lot of scenarios (work… church… on a date… you get the picture). But dropping a few creative curses might be an easy way to blow off some steam. Swearing can even reduce physical pain, and may even boost confidence and self-esteem. REMEMBER, timing is everything, so be sure to filter your expletives to avoid adding embarrassment to stress. And I don't want to hear from your mothers about this one!
10. Get it on.
Another one you may not want to talk to mom about...There are tons of awesome things about sex, even apart from the way it makes us feel. Getting busy can boost the immune system, help to reduce stress, and may even relieve migraine and other chronic or acute pain. And that’s just to name a few of its health benefits. I could go on about this one all day. But maybe that's best saved for another time... Even if you are going to 'go all the way,' cuddling is good for you. Studies show that physical contact reduces stress and releases a hormone called oxtocin that boosts happiness.
11. Get between the covers.
See, it's not just me with a one-track mind! I meant BOOK covers!!! Contrary to what some middle school bullies believe, reading is cool. And, it’s really good for our health. Reading on a regular basis keeps the mind sharp as it ages, and reading fiction in particular makes for more creativity and a more open mind. Cracking open a book may also improve sleep and make us more empathic. Book worms unite!
12. Laugh out loud
There’s a reason people say laughter is “the best medicine”: Chuckling and giggling benefit our mental and physical health, especially when combined with exercise . Giving into a case of the funnies can improve our overall quality of life, while getting goofy with other people can help us connect with the people we laugh with and foster our relationships. Watch a funny movie or a comedy on television, those Family Ties reruns may actually be good for your heart.
13. Get some ZZZZs
There tons of things that can sabotage our sleep, whether it’s a late night at the office, a wild night with friends, or just catching up on Game of Thrones. Skimping on shut-eye can hurt job productivity, make us choose to eat larger portions and make other questionable choices, and may lead to diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Prioritize sleep time for a healthier, happier you; even if it’s just a quick cat nap during your lunch break.
14. Declutter
Clutter can stress us out and bring us down. On the flip side, sorting through and purging unorganized papers, clothes, knickknacks, or whatever else is crowding our lives may help us be more productive, cheerful, and calmer. And, see #2, give some unneeded stuff away to an organization that will put your clutter to good use!
15. Pound the pavementNot only do walking and running it torch calories, but both are great mood-boosters that can help reduce anxiety. Both may even provide pain relief. Exercise in general is linked to decreasing symptoms of depression, so lace up your sneakers the next time you need a mood lift.
16. Indulge in a massage
Set aside some time to experience the complete and total bliss of a massage. It soothes both the mind and muscles, improves sleep quality, and reduces stress.
17. Namaste
It comes as no surprise that yoga is a healthy practice. It helps relieve anxiety, stress, and depression, all while boosting energy levels and improving our overall sense of well-being. Don’t think you have to commit to a full-length yoga class to reap its health benefits. Just 20 minutes on the mat improves focus and boosts the brain . Try these simple yoga poses with me to erase any built-up tension.
18. Unplug
These days, it feels like everyone’s glued to a phone, laptop, or both at the same time. Deliberately taking a break from social media, e-mail, blogging, and so on can help us recharge and gives our brain the downtime it needs to work at an optimal level.
Remember, the magic bullet is the practice. Finding your optimal mix will take time and will asl change depending you your needs and the world around you. Learning to keep looking for that right mix of self-care practices and making the commitment to stick with them is the answer. And YOU deserve it. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you take steps on this non-negotiable part of your fitness journey. I'd love to hear from you!
7. Turn up the tunes
If you’ve ever noticed that certain songs bring a smile to your face, you’re not alone. As it turns out, science has taken note, too. Research shows that listening to music makes already positive emotions even more intense, and upbeat music in particular can do great things for your mood. Plus, jamming out can also improve heart health .
8. Eat more fruits and veggies
Adding more fruits and veggies to our plate is a great way to practice self-care all throughout the day. Eating berries boosts brain health while noshing on peppers prevents Parkinson’s. And in case we needed another reason to load up on nature’s goodness, filling up on seven portions of fruits and veggies per day might make us happier.
9. Swear it off.
If you've been in the room with me when I get activate about something, you know i practice this one often. True, a potty mouth isn’t appropriate in a lot of scenarios (work… church… on a date… you get the picture). But dropping a few creative curses might be an easy way to blow off some steam. Swearing can even reduce physical pain, and may even boost confidence and self-esteem. REMEMBER, timing is everything, so be sure to filter your expletives to avoid adding embarrassment to stress. And I don't want to hear from your mothers about this one!
10. Get it on.
Another one you may not want to talk to mom about...There are tons of awesome things about sex, even apart from the way it makes us feel. Getting busy can boost the immune system, help to reduce stress, and may even relieve migraine and other chronic or acute pain. And that’s just to name a few of its health benefits. I could go on about this one all day. But maybe that's best saved for another time... Even if you are going to 'go all the way,' cuddling is good for you. Studies show that physical contact reduces stress and releases a hormone called oxtocin that boosts happiness.
11. Get between the covers.
See, it's not just me with a one-track mind! I meant BOOK covers!!! Contrary to what some middle school bullies believe, reading is cool. And, it’s really good for our health. Reading on a regular basis keeps the mind sharp as it ages, and reading fiction in particular makes for more creativity and a more open mind. Cracking open a book may also improve sleep and make us more empathic. Book worms unite!
12. Laugh out loud
There’s a reason people say laughter is “the best medicine”: Chuckling and giggling benefit our mental and physical health, especially when combined with exercise . Giving into a case of the funnies can improve our overall quality of life, while getting goofy with other people can help us connect with the people we laugh with and foster our relationships. Watch a funny movie or a comedy on television, those Family Ties reruns may actually be good for your heart.
13. Get some ZZZZs
There tons of things that can sabotage our sleep, whether it’s a late night at the office, a wild night with friends, or just catching up on Game of Thrones. Skimping on shut-eye can hurt job productivity, make us choose to eat larger portions and make other questionable choices, and may lead to diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Prioritize sleep time for a healthier, happier you; even if it’s just a quick cat nap during your lunch break.
14. Declutter
Clutter can stress us out and bring us down. On the flip side, sorting through and purging unorganized papers, clothes, knickknacks, or whatever else is crowding our lives may help us be more productive, cheerful, and calmer. And, see #2, give some unneeded stuff away to an organization that will put your clutter to good use!
15. Pound the pavementNot only do walking and running it torch calories, but both are great mood-boosters that can help reduce anxiety. Both may even provide pain relief. Exercise in general is linked to decreasing symptoms of depression, so lace up your sneakers the next time you need a mood lift.
16. Indulge in a massage
Set aside some time to experience the complete and total bliss of a massage. It soothes both the mind and muscles, improves sleep quality, and reduces stress.
17. Namaste
It comes as no surprise that yoga is a healthy practice. It helps relieve anxiety, stress, and depression, all while boosting energy levels and improving our overall sense of well-being. Don’t think you have to commit to a full-length yoga class to reap its health benefits. Just 20 minutes on the mat improves focus and boosts the brain . Try these simple yoga poses with me to erase any built-up tension.
18. Unplug
These days, it feels like everyone’s glued to a phone, laptop, or both at the same time. Deliberately taking a break from social media, e-mail, blogging, and so on can help us recharge and gives our brain the downtime it needs to work at an optimal level.
Remember, the magic bullet is the practice. Finding your optimal mix will take time and will asl change depending you your needs and the world around you. Learning to keep looking for that right mix of self-care practices and making the commitment to stick with them is the answer. And YOU deserve it. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you take steps on this non-negotiable part of your fitness journey. I'd love to hear from you!
Wishing you wellness,
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